
Activist Cinema

  • 15/06/24 - Saturday | 11:30 - 12:30

In the Focus Section, Olhar de Cinema introduces a guiding concept for the first time. The exhibition “Activist Cinema” presents four recent Brazilian productions that integrate their audiovisual practices into a struggle to enact meaningful change in their communities. The discussion about this year’s Focus Section places emphasis on the selected films and reflects on filmmaking as an intrinsic part of broader struggles and activism.


>Camila Macedo

Camila Macedo atua nas áreas de pesquisa, curadoria e realização em cinema, com principal enfoque nas interfaces entre arte, educação e os estudos de gênero e sexualidade. É doutora e mestra em Educação pela UFPR e bacharela em Cinema e Vídeo pela Unespar. Tem passagem pelas equipes de programação de mostras e festivais como Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro (2022), Cinefantasy (2021), FIDÉ Brasil (2022), dentre outros. Participa da equipe de curadoria do Olhar de Cinema desde 2018.


Arthur B. Senra

Arthur B. Senra is a professor at the Federal Institute of Brasília (IFB) – Campus Recanto das Emas. He is currently pursuing a master's degree in Communication at UnB, and holds a specialization degree in Creative Processes in Word and Image from PUC Minas (2013). He holds a bachelor's degree in Film and Video from the UNA University Center (2010). Senra has directed and edited several short films, including "Virtual Genesis" (2023); "Dinheiro" (2021); "Estranho Animal" (2019); "Curta Memória" (2016); "Marcatti" (2015); "Cabezas Desconocidas" (2009); "Volu-Re-A-Dicionário" (2008); "Eletronic Brightness Systems" (2007).

Amanda Caroline da Silva

I'm Amanda Caroline da Silva, a graduate of the Audiovisual Technical Course at the Parana State School in 2022. Currently, I serve as a representative and communication coordinator at the Peripheral Center. Additionally, I work as a popular educator at the Popular Film School of the Peripheral Center and as a communicator at Parliamentarian Renato Freitas' Office, while actively engaging as a social activist in housing movements.

Matias Borgström

Matias Borgström has been working as a documentarian since 2013. In 2017, he co-founded Salga Filmes, a production company specializing in original and independent documentaries. He is also a co-founder of Citronela Doc, an annual festival showcasing contemporary documentaries in Ilhabela (SP). "Ouvidor" marks his debut as both director and producer of a feature-length film. Currently, he is filming the documentary "Przirembel" and developing his third feature film.

Pedro Charbel

With a Master's degree in Sociology and a Bachelor's degree in International Relations from the University of São Paulo (USP), Pedro Charbel is an activist for the PSOL and MTST. He has been involved in human rights and justice movements in Brazil and worldwide for 14 years and has served as a parliamentary advisor in the Brazilian National Congress. Currently, Charbel is the campaign coordinator at Amazon Watch and the editor-in-chief of Jatobá, the socio-environmental magazine of the Lauro Campos and Marielle Franco Foundation. Co-directed with Marcos Nepomuceno, “Não Existe Almoço Grátis” is his first film.

Uilma Queiroz

Uilma Queiroz is a filmmaker, educator, historian with a Master's degree, and researcher. She serves as the screenwriter and director of the documentary "O Bem Virá" and is actively involved with Mulheres no Audiovisual PE (Women in Filmmaking PE).

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