
The film comprises two short stories, directed and written by Odilon Lopez with dialogue by Luiz Fernando Veríssimo. In “Com Um Pouquinho… de Sorte” and “Vida Nova…Por Acaso”, Lopez follows his protagonists through the urban life of Porto Alegre. Whether it’s the story of the couple Jorge and Maria or the journey through the captivating misadventures of Magrão and Crioulo, the filmmaker tackles social issues such as racism and the cyclical marginalization of his characters. The screening at the 13th Olhar de Cinema of the first feature-length film directed by a Black person in Southern Brazil marks the premiere of its digital restoration in 4K. (G.B.)


*The digital restoration in 4K of  “One Is Few, Two Would Fill” was accomplished in a partnership between Cinemateca Capitólio, Plataforma INDETERMINAÇÕES and Mnemosine Serviços Audiovisuais, from the original 35mm image and sound negatives, which are deposited at the Cinemateca Brasileira.


Odilon Lopez

Odilon Lopez (1941-2002) was a journalist, actor, screenwriter, and film director. Originally from Minas Gerais but later settling in Porto Alegre, he founded the production company Super Filmes in 1969 and directed "Um É Pouco, Dois É Bom" (1970). He wrote screenplays such as "Felicidade Até Existe" (1974) and "Sete, Zero, Zero Contra o Sacristão" (1989), archived at the Capitólio Cinematheque. He also directed the short films "Um Dia de Chuva" (196?) and "IV Jamboree Panamericano" (1981). Recent research by INDETERMINAÇÕES has uncovered a collection of experimental desktop films from the 2000s and 2001, as well as a feature film entirely composed of Super 8 images captured between the 1960s and 1970s.

Thursday 19:45
Local: Cine Passeio Ritz
Sunday 16:30
Local: Cinemark Mueller 2

Classificação indicativa




Odilon Lopez


Odilon Lopez


Odilon Lopez, Francisco Silva, Angela Grosser
Arací Esteves, Carlos Carvalho
César Magno, Margarita Linera, Vaniá Brown e Alunos do Curso de Arte Dramática da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Aluizio Vianna
Onélio Motta


Roland Henze

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