In an enchanting 2D animation, we journey alongside Clarice, a remarkably clever and imaginative girl coming to terms with the loss of her mother. Spending her days with her father, a waste picker, she seeks solace and playfulness amidst his bustling work schedule. Through her vivid imagination, Clarice envisions a magical realm where she finds unexpected allies to embark on thrilling adventures and grapple with the absence and memory of her mother. (G.B.)
Fernando Gutiérrez, Guto Bicalho
Fernando Gutiérrez holds a PhD in Arts from UnB, with research focused on voice, performance, animation, and the independent scene. As a filmmaker, he has directed several short films including "O Mascate" and "José," among others. Guto Bicalho is a director, head of story, and storyboard artist. He has directed the short films "Sangro" and "Fuga Animada" and worked as a storyboard artist for the feature film "Perlimps," as well as for TV series on channels such as Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, Gloob, Disney, and others.