Following her husband’s departure, Marta struggles to keep her small coffee farm operational, resisting the encroachment of an advancing agribusiness industry in 1970s rural Paraná. As her bond with colleague Juliana strengthens, it becomes increasingly clear that the conservative and hostile context surrounding them poses as much threat as the harsh winter frosts. In his debut solo feature film, Fábio Allon crafts a bold historical narrative infused with potent dramatic elements, delving into the rarely explored landscapes of rural Paraná. (E.V.)
Fábio Allon
Fábio Allon is a filmmaker with a master's degree in Architecture from UFRGS, and bachelor's degrees in Architecture from UFPR and in Film Studies from Fap/Unespar. Additionally, he teaches Screenwriting and Directing in the undergraduate program of the Film and Audiovisual Course at Fap/Unespar.