In 1976, posthumously and under the title “The Apprentice Tourist”, Mário de Andrade’s notes from his trip along the Amazonas River were published, preceding the release of his most acclaimed work, the book “Macunaíma”, in 1928. Murilo Salles reconstructs this journey with bold visual experimentation and constant reinvention, navigating through the memories, peculiarities, originalities, and contradictions of one of the most influential Brazilian writers of the 20th century, while confronting head-on the complexities of the character and his time. (C.M.)
Murilo Salles
Murilo Salles has directed 14 feature films, including "Essas São as Armas" (1978), "Nunca Fomos Tão Felizes" (1984), "Faca de Dois Gumes" (1989), "Todos os Corações do Mundo" (1996), "Como Nascem os Anjos" (1997), "Seja O Que Deus Quiser!" (2003), "Nome Próprio" (2008), "O Fim e Os Meios" (2015), the series "És Tu, Brasil" (2018), and "Uma Baía" (2022). Many of them have received prestigious awards at both national and international festivals.