
This is a wedding film. Featuring several scenes from a particular wedding. These scenes feel familiar because almost everyone records wedding videos since the advent of accessible technology. However, the images from this wedding fracture, tear, and distort, leading us into other images: those of a post-wedding scenario. Here, beach and leisure settings merge with an eerie, unsettling soundtrack. The wedding march may abruptly transition into a march of war. Perhaps this isn’t a wedding film. (C.A.)


This short-film belongs to PGM 05 and will screened with “Jacu Hero”, “Empty Room” and “Adam”



Luc da Silveira

Luc da Silveira is a filmmaker specializing in experimental cinema and currently studying Film and Audiovisual at UNESPAR. In 2023, he released the short film "Um Homem Com Um Celular", selected for the Sesc Film Exhibit and licensed for streaming on the Sesc Digital platform. Additionally, he collaborated with Beija Flor Filmes on two feature films: "Alice Júnior - Férias de Verão", directed by Gil Baroni, and "Nem Toda História de Amor Acaba em Morte", directed by Bruno Costa.

Saturday 14:00
Local: Cinemark Mueller 2
Tuesday 18:30
Local: Cine Passeio Luz

Classificação indicativa




Luc da Silveira


Felipe "Fiu" Gonçalves
Felipe Fiedler


Luc da Silveira
Guilherme S. Machado

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