After centuries of hibernation in their capsule, Ed Marte emerges in the city of Belo Horizonte on a mission to rescue Princess Nickary. With the help of a diverse array of allies, they boldly confront all forms of binary normativity in pursuit of their quest. Mixing genres and devices with the same festive and spirited anarchy as their characters, Cris Ventura creates a self-aware UFO film that champions complete freedom as its primary motif and guiding principle. (E.V.)
Cris Ventura
Cris Ventura was born in 1984 in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, and currently resides in Goiás. She is a professor at IFG, teaching in both the Bachelor’s program in Film and Audiovisual and the Technical program in Audio and Video Production. Ventura has directed several feature films including "Cambaúba" (2023), "Amador" (2020), and "Nas Minhas Mãos Eu Não Quero Pregos" (2013), as well as a number of short films such as "Saturno em Escorpião" (2016), "Instalações: Enxovia Fortes" (2016), "Um Andar Sobre o Mar" (2014), "Oslo" (2012), "E Depois do Começo" (2011), "Contra a Hierarquia das Coisas Assépticas" (2010), "Nôva" (2010), and "Sangre" (2009).