In a characteristic orange taxi, on a typically tumultuous afternoon with abrupt weather changes, a woman (played by Guta Stresser) arrives in Curitiba, her hometown. As she journeys through the city’s landscapes in the early 2000s, Heloisa Passos and Catherine Agniez vividly paint a nostalgic experience with vibrant colors, infusing the character’s return (and ours, as we journey through time) with a sense of reinvention rooted in memory – a hallmark of Passos’ directorial style. Shot on 35mm film, its screening at Olhar de Cinema heralds the release of a new digital version of this short film. (C.M.)
This short belongs to PGM 9 and will be screened with “Osório” and “Turning”
Heloísa Passos, Catherine Agniez
Heloísa Passos (Curitiba, May 6, 1967) is an award-winning Brazilian photographer, filmmaker, and documentarian, recognized both nationally and internationally. She is one of the few Brazilian women ever invited to join the Oscar jury. Catherine Agniez, a visual artist born in Brussels, worked in partnership with Heloisa Passos on the short film "Do Tempo Que Eu Comia Pipoca".