In this animated film directed by Mariana Medina, we follow the story of a boatsman and his family, as their journeys momentarily diverge at sea and on land, only to intertwine once again through a fresh lens of love and memory. (G.M.)
This short-film belongs to PGM 8 and will be screened with “Ana and the Mountains”, “Camille” and “Pororoca”
Mariana Medina
Mariana Medina is a business partner, director, producer, and screenwriter at Tusche Productions. She created, wrote, and produced the animated television series "Um Conto Em Cada Ponto" (Ancine/EBC). Additionally, she was the screenwriter and producer of "Todo Mundo Já Foi Pra Marte," the first animated feature film from Ceará, selected for the Secult CE/Aldir Blanc grant.