Closing Night Film

Closing Night Film

On October 14, the 10th edition of Olhar de Cinema closes yet another cycle with Knots, a feature film by filmmaker Letícia Simões from Bahia. The director is no stranger to the festival, having received the Abraccine Critics Award for the film Home in 2019, and the Best Brazilian Film Award in the Other Views Section in 2018 with the film The House is an Island Made of Wind and Rain.

Letícia Simões | Brasil, 2021, 80’
“If you don’t identify with the place where you were born and in one way or another create about it, write me” – Letícia Simões’ announcement in the classified ads of a newspaper enables encounters with the stories of six artists based in Berlin. Themes such as identity, territory, and immigration permeate shared experiences with the filmmaker responsible for Home (Olhar ‘19) and The House is an Island Made of Wind and Rain (Olhar ‘18). With her wandering interlocution, the director fuses different worlds, inspiring a hospitable feeling of impermanence. (Leonardo Bomfim)



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