
Marketing and Communication for Independent Films

  • 05/06/24 - Wednesday | 19:00 - 19:30

How can you effectively present and promote your independent film? What strategies can you employ to optimize its release and development? This discussion explores communication methods for films, from the development stage through distribution, with a special emphasis on engaging potential partners and audiences, particularly through film festivals – the first and foremost platform for showcasing your films.


>Rodrigo Cook

Produtor Criativo Executivo, formado em Comunicação Social – Publicidade e Propaganda pela UniCuritiba, especializado em Cinema pela AIC – Academia Internacional de Cinema e pós-graduado em Gestão de Projetos pelo SESI/SENAI. Atualmente é sócio-diretor da Destilaria, uma produtora de conteúdo audiovisual, se envolve em campanhas e projetos voltados às marcas. Além disso, atua como estrategista de Marketing na Grain, uma agência de marketing dedicada ao setor audiovisual, se envolvendo no Design de Audiência e na Comunicação Estratégica de festivais, eventos e lançamentos de filmes.


Joanna Solecka

Joanna Solecka is a film marketing and social media strategist. She currently heads Alphapanda Warsaw, the Polish division of an international film marketing agency specializing in digital campaigns for the industry, where she oversees markets in Central and Eastern Europe, the USA, and Scandinavia. Additionally, Joanna mentors and lectures in film training programs and labs, particularly focusing on emerging filmmakers. She also offers support to various international film institutions and funds in diverse capacities.

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